Licensed Massage Therapists

The Massage Therapists at Dedham Health are licensed experts. They are high quality providers who will design and perform a therapy specific to you and your needs.

What is Massage Therapy?

Massage is a manual therapy that manipulates
the soft tissues and decreases muscle tension, pain, stress and depression. Massage therapy is used to help manage a health condition or enhance wellness​.

The Many Benefits of Massage

Massage makes you feel and perform better. It will also:

  • Increase circulation

  • Enhance the immune system

  • Promote nervous system functioning

  • Reduce blood pressure

  • Relieve pain and muscle tension

  • Improve mood, intellectual reasoning and job performance

  • Has a positive effect on conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes and migraine headaches

The Power of Touch

  • The simple act of placing the hands on the body can itself encourage a person to thrive. Many studies have illustrated that without physical touch babies (human or animal) will not thrive and may not even survive. Touch also has a positive effect on caregivers. For example, mothers who regularly have a great deal of physical closeness with their babies experience postpartum depression to a far lesser degree, and elderly caregivers feel a decrease in stress, anxiety and depression when they touch and are touched.

Our Licensed Massage Therapists offer the following types of massages:


  • Incorporates rhythmic, soothing and gentle strokes fort relaxing and healing.

Athletic Training:

  • A series of treatments individually designed to enhance your athletic training program. Prepares an athlete for peak performance.

Trigger Point Therapy:

  • Helps relieve pain and tension by using pressure on certain points of the body. These pressure points may be tender, causing muscular pain.

Injury & Pain Management:

  • A treatment to reduce soreness and pain associated with muscle injuries. These may include overuse, spasms, pulls and strains.


  • Reduces stress and increases well-being. Helps reduce muscle tightening, discomfort, low-back soreness and fatigue.

Deep Tissue:

  • Focuses on the underlying tissues to release chronic patterns of tension.

For appointments please call 781-326-2900 or stop by the front desk. Please book appointments in advance. Walk-in’s are rarely available. 24 hour notice is required for all cancellations, late cancellations will be charged a fee. Missed appointments are subject to a 50% charge.

30 Minutes


60 Minutes


90 Minutes
